Source code for MegaScreen

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import numpy as np
from numpy import sqrt, fft, random, pi
import functools
import scipy.interpolate

__version__ = "1.0.1"

def FrequencyGrid(shape, pixelSize=1.0):
    """Return a 2-d grid with absolute frequency relevant to an FFT of a
    grid of pixels of size pixelSize."""
    return sqrt(
            np.fft.fftfreq(shape[0], pixelSize) ** 2,
            np.fft.fftfreq(shape[1], pixelSize) ** 2,

def VonKarmanSpectrum(f, r0, L0=1e6, alpha=11.0 / 3.0):
    """Phase spectrum of atmospheric seeing with Von Karman turbulence"""
    return 0.0229 * r0 ** (2.0 - alpha) * (f ** 2 + 1 / L0 ** 2) ** (-alpha / 2)

def FftScreen(spectrum, shape, pixelSize=1.0):
    """Generate infinite sequence of screens based on filtered 2D white noise

    spectrum : Callable[[numpy.ndarray[float]],numpy.ndarray[float]]
       spectrum of fluctuations, assumed radially symmetric
    shape: Tuple[int,int]
        Size of output grid
    pixelSize: float
        Pixel size of output grid

    out : ndarray
        2D array of phase disturbances
    f = FrequencyGrid(shape, pixelSize)
    filter = sqrt(spectrum(f) * f[0, 1] * f[1, 0])
    while 1:
        sample = random.normal(size=(2,) + filter.shape)
        result = fft.fft2(filter * (sample[0] + 1j * sample[1]))
        yield result.real
        yield result.imag

def McGlameryScreen(r0, L0=1e5, nfft=256):
    return FftScreen(
        functools.partial(VonKarmanSpectrum, r0=r0, L0=L0), shape=(nfft, nfft)

def SplineTiles(tileGenerator):
    """Generate a sequence of splined tiles with shape (n0/2,n1) from a
    sequence of tiles with shape (n0,n1)
    previous = next(tileGenerator)
    n0 = previous.shape[0] // 2
    assert n0 * 2 == previous.shape[0]
    cspline = np.cos(np.linspace(0, pi / 2, n0, endpoint=False))
    sspline = np.sin(np.linspace(0, pi / 2, n0, endpoint=False))
    for current in tileGenerator:
        yield previous[n0:] * cspline[:, np.newaxis] + current[:n0] * sspline[
            :, np.newaxis
        previous = current

def GridInterpolator(grid):
    # print(grid.shape)
    xgrid = np.arange(grid.shape[0])
    ygrid = np.arange(grid.shape[1])
    return scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(xgrid, ygrid, grid)

def SlidingPixels(tileGenerator, x, y, dx):
    Return phase values from a set of pixel coordinates sliding along an infinite ribbon.

    tileGenerator: iterator
        sequence of 2D phase screens which are stiched together to form the ribbon
    x,y: 1D arrays
        relative pixel coordinates in units of the tile grid size
    dx: float
        increment of pixel "x" coordinate on each iteration

    1D array
        phase values at each pixel for this iteration
    # Shift the x and y coordinates so that the minimum coordinate is zero
    x_zeroed = x - np.amin(x)
    y_zeroed = y - np.amin(y)
    xmax = np.amax(x_zeroed)
    ymax = np.amax(y_zeroed)
    tiles = [next(tileGenerator)]
    xtile, ytile = tiles[0].shape
    assert ymax <= ytile  # No limit on xmax, except memory to hold ribbon
    # Fill up initial ribbon
    for i in range(int(np.ceil(xmax / xtile))):
    re_interpolate = True
    xoffset = 0
    while True:
        if re_interpolate:
            interpolator = GridInterpolator(np.concatenate(tiles))
            re_interpolate = False
        yield interpolator(x_zeroed + xoffset, y_zeroed, grid=False)
        xoffset += dx
        while xoffset > xtile:
            re_interpolate = True
            xoffset -= xtile

def PixelCoords(origin, shape, pixelSize=1, theta=0):
    """Return x and y coodinates of a grid of pixels in rectangular region
    given by *origin* and *shape*, in a frame scaled to *pixelSize* and
    rotated by angle *theta*
    c = np.cos(theta)
    s = np.sin(theta)
    # print(origin, shape, pixelSize)
    x = (origin[0] + np.arange(shape[0])) * pixelSize
    y = (origin[1] + np.arange(shape[1])) * pixelSize
    return np.add.outer(c * x, s * y).flatten(), np.add.outer(-s * x, c * y).flatten()

def SlidingWindows(
    tileGenerator, shape, dx, origins=((0.0, 0.0),), pixelSize=1, theta=0.0
    """Return phase values from a set of rectangular windows sliding along an infinite ribbon.

    tileGenerator: iterator
        A sequence of 2D phase screens which are stiched together to form a ribbon
    origins: sequence of pairs of floats
        The origins of each of the rectangular windows
    shape: tuple
        Shape of rectangular window (same for all windows)
    dx: float
        Increment of pixel `x` coordinate on each iteration
     2D array
         phase values at each pixel

    coords = [
        PixelCoords(origin=origin, shape=shape, pixelSize=pixelSize, theta=theta)
        for origin in origins
    # print(coords)
    coords = np.array(coords)
    x = coords[:, 0, :].flat
    y = coords[:, 1, :].flat
    numWindow = len(origins)
    if numWindow == 1:
        newshape = shape
        newshape = [numWindow] + list(shape)
    for screen in SlidingPixels(tileGenerator, x, y, dx):
        yield np.reshape(screen, newshape)

def NestedSpectra(spectrum, f0, eps=1e-6):
    grad = (spectrum(f0 * (1 + eps)) - spectrum(f0 * (1 - eps))) / (2 * f0 * eps)
    c1 = spectrum(f0)

    def OuterSpectrum(f):
        s = spectrum(f)
        s1 = np.where(
            f < f0, c1 - 2 * grad * f0 / np.pi * np.cos(np.pi * f / (2 * f0)), s
        return np.where(s1 < s, s1, s)

    def InnerSpectrum(f):
        return spectrum(f) - OuterSpectrum(f)

    return InnerSpectrum, OuterSpectrum

def NestedScreen(
    windowOrigins=((0.0, 0.0),),
    """Generate a sequence of phase screens for an arbitrary spectrum

    spectrum: Callable[[numpy.ndarray[float]],numpy.ndarray[float]]
       Returns the spectral power density of the phase perturbations at a given frequency
    See MegaScreen() for the other parameters
    wooferPixelSize = nfftTweeter / (2 * frequencyOverlap)
    f0 = 1 / (2 * wooferPixelSize) * fractionalSupport
    wooferSpectrum, tweeterSpectrum = NestedSpectra(spectrum, f0)
    innerWindows = SlidingWindows(
            FftScreen(wooferSpectrum, (nfftWoofer, nfftWoofer), wooferPixelSize)
        dx=dx / wooferPixelSize,
        pixelSize=pixelSize / wooferPixelSize,
    outerWindows = [
                FftScreen(tweeterSpectrum, (nfftTweeter, nfftTweeter), pixelSize)
        for origin in windowOrigins
    iter = 0
    while numIter is None or iter < numIter:
        iter += 1
        inner = next(innerWindows)
        outer = np.squeeze(np.array([next(o) for o in outerWindows]))
        if debug:
            yield inner, outer, inner + outer
            yield inner + outer

[docs]def MegaScreen( r0=7.0, L0=7000.0, windowShape=(100, 100), dx=3.5, windowOrigins=((0.0, 0.0),), pixelSize=1.0, theta=0.0, nfftWoofer=256, nfftTweeter=256, frequencyOverlap=4.0, fractionalSupport=1.0, debug=False, numIter=None, ): """ Generate a sequence of phase screens with a Von Karman spectrum. Parameters ---------- r0 : float Fried parameter :math:`r_0` in tweeter pixel units. L0 : float Outer scale of turbulence in tweeter pixel units. windowShape : Tuple[int,int] Shape of rectangular output window grid (same for all windows). dx : float Increment in the "x" coordinate of the tweeter phase screen between subsequent calls. Represents the "frozen turbulence" windspeed in tweeter pixels/iteration. Should be > 0. See note below about coordinate directions. windowOrigins : Sequence[Tuple[float,float]] Relative coordinates of the rectangular windows in the window coordinate system - note that this coordinate system is scaled and rotated with respect to the to the coordinate system of the "woofer" and "tweeter" screens, and hence to the "wind" direction. pixelSize : float Size of the window pixels in tweeter pixel units (typically <= 1.0). theta: float Angle in radians between the output window "x" axis and the tweeter screen "x" axis. Used to simulate the wind travelling in a given direction with respect to the window coordinate axes. See note below about the coordinate convention used. nfftWoofer : int Size of the square FFT used to produce the woofer screen. nfftTweeter : int Size of the square FFT used to produce the tweeter screen. frequencyOverlap : float The Nyquist frequency of the woofer spectrum in units of the fundamental frequency of the tweeter spectrum. fractionalSupport : float Frequency above which woofer spectrum is zero (the "crossover frequency"), expressed as a fraction of the woofer Nyquist frequency. debug : boolean If true, yield additional debugging information along with phase screens. numIter : Optional[int] Number of iterations to stop after, or None to return an infinite, non-repeating sequence of phase screens. Yields ------ screen : numpy.ndarray[float] Wavefront perturbation at each pixel in each of the output windows, in radians. If there is only one window this is a 2-D array, otherwise an array of 2-D arrays (i.e. a 3-D array) is returned. Notes ----- The convention used in the above descriptions has the "x" coordinate corresponding to the leftmost index of the 2-D phase screen arrays. This is a FORTRAN-like convention, and when the phase screen is plotted in `matplotlib.imshow()` and similar image plotting functions, this coordinate appears as the "y" coordinate in the image (albeit by default the "y" coordinate is plotted increasing downwards). """ spectrum = functools.partial(VonKarmanSpectrum, r0=r0, L0=L0) return NestedScreen( spectrum, windowShape, dx, windowOrigins=windowOrigins, pixelSize=pixelSize, theta=theta, nfftWoofer=nfftWoofer, nfftTweeter=nfftTweeter, frequencyOverlap=frequencyOverlap, fractionalSupport=fractionalSupport, debug=debug, numIter=numIter, )